Wednesday, September 22, 2010

PT: Week 21, Food Motivation

We took a break from PT last week since it was the day after Averi’s biopsy but I think maybe she was hoping it was a permanent thing.  She started crying the minute we walked in and didn’t even want to just sit and play with the toys.  Luckily, by the end of the session she was calmed down.

First we worked on four-point and trying to get her to raise one hand.  Then we moved on to kneeling, and then to standing.  I don’t know why we didn’t think of it before, but we decided to try putting some dried banana pieces in front of her while she was standing.  It worked really well…we may have finally found her motivation.

Whenever she really focused on the food and reached for it, the rest of her body was very strong and supported.  Of course she got tired and didn’t want to do it (what’s new?) but she did much better.

Averi’s arms are getting much stronger now too (not that she suddenly wants to use them).  The other day she was sitting in her booster pulled up to the table when I turned around and saw her pushing so hard against the table that her chair was rocking backwards.  Luckily her arms are so short she couldn’t get enough push to fall over, but she now eats with the tray instead of at the table.

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