Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Is that far enough above 1,000 for ya?

I took Averi in for more blood work and dressing and cap changes today, completely keeping my expectations at bay.  We went a little bit early so that I could get Flashes of Hope pictures taken of Kaili and Averi together.  By the way, they were adorable and I can't wait to get them back...all I'm going to say is tutus.

Anyways, the dressing change was really rough.  Averi's skin is starting to break down under the tape and was bleeding in spots.  The worse part is that they had to clean it with hard core alcohol before putting the new dressing on.  Did I also mention that it was past nap time?

The day ended well, though, when her doctor called me just a little bit ago and told me to "pick a number, any number."  Her ANC was almost 3,000.  I think we are cleared to start cycle 3. :)  She will call in the morning and schedule a time for Averi to go into the OR for her lumbar puncture and then be admitted to the floor.  We were all super excited for her to go back to the hospital and get sick again.


Ellen said...

Wow, is she an over acheiver with a number like that? Sorry to hear that the dressing change was rough. Hopefully this cycle will go faster for you guys.

We were thinking about you as we were sitting in the PICU with Nathan (he had pneumonia). I was glad to see your posts though that you were home instead of hanging out at Children's too.

Vanessa said...

Good luck Averi! We'll be thinking of you and will pray that you will not get sick with this round and that you will be home before you know it. :) We love you!