Tuesday, September 28, 2010

PT: Week 22, Goodbye for Now

Last week Averi started PT off grumpy but got happier as we went.  Today was the complete opposite.  She just got grumpier as we went.  She is so over this physical labor thing.

It was actually an interesting session. Abbi is starting her maternity leave tomorrow so she worked us in today which meant that Kaili was at preschool and Averi and I were all alone.  It was kind of boring not having someone running around the whole time.
We did the usual getting in and out of sit and then took it to the next level by trying to get her to lean on one hand and reach across her body to get something.  As I’ve said before, if she could just put her “I’m going to fight this forever” energy into actually trying, she’d be doing it already.

We also worked on kneeling and standing while holding on to something.  Once again, the only motivation we could find was fruit pieces.  Every time she focused and reached for the food her body looked awesome and was pulled together.  Abbi was just holding her up with one finger on her backside.

She really is getting much stronger and I just hope that she doesn’t lose it all during her hospital stays.  I guess we’ll see how it goes.

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